Church at Home
Well I guess it’s time to throw the church as usual box out the window. The church is facing a challenge today that we have NEVER faced before. But it is a great time for the church to shine and be that light shining in a dark time. It’s at this time that we must remain united. We may not be able to Gather but we can still Connect.
Connect with your friends and family each Sunday at 11:00am and have Church at Home and take advantage of this OPPORTUNITY to introduce your friends and family to our CrossPoint family.
Have a Home?
Have a Screen?
Have a Friend?
Join us each Sunday at 11:00am for Praise and Worship and a Live Message from Pastor Bobby.
10/26/2020: Thank You for your continued support during COVID-19. We have been back in person services while physically distancing for several weeks and we have had zero positive cases. Praise the Lord! We continue to strive to provide a clean, sanitized and safe environment for everyone. We understand not everyone feels safe to come back to church yet, but please continue to pray and support as you are able. Many have returned and we are ministering and reaching our community during this time in a greater capacity than we have ever before. If you need anything please feel free to contact me directly by phone, text or Facebook.
We are praying for all of our CrossPoint Families,
Pastor Bobby and Kendra Brooks
Please continue to check for video updates from Pastor Dana and our CPKIDZ Ministry Team. We are having Children Church in person at each service on Sunday and each Wednesday at 7pm.